We are thrilled to turn the ‘Innovation Spotlight’ on our pioneering offering, VIZCare Copilot at AHIP’s 2024 Consumer Experience & Digital Health Forum. We are looking forward to taking the center stage at the forum and and showcasing how our Healthcare AI Assistant is Leveraging AI to Provide An Assistive & Interconnected Consumer Experience. Explore next generation consumer experience that integrates AI every step of the way. Learn how AI can play an omni-directional role to enable the ease of self service, operational efficiency by assisting internal service teams, personalized care recommendations for informed decision making and actionable insights to improve service.

Know More about VIZCare Copilot

Featuring 50 + interactive sessions by more than 100 healthcare leaders, the Consumer Experience & Digital Health Forum will serve as a great opportunity for us to not just learn about the latest technological advancements transforming the healthcare landscape, but also to contribute to the conversation by presenting our groundbreaking work in Health AI.

Join Us At The Event

Catch us take the center stage at the ‘Innovation Spotlight’ session or connect with our team at Booth No. 402.

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Experience what VIZCare Co-pilot can do for your enterprise. We will be happy to get in touch and schedule a demo 
just for you.

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